A System For Success For Committed Change-Makers...


Warning, once you leave this page this special offer disappears for 90 days!
This offer is for FAST ACTION Takers only!

What if I can show you a proven Step-by-Step System that takes you from procrastination and paralysing overwhelm to successfully manifesting with joy in 90 days or less?

Would you say YES PLEASE?!


Get instant access to the 
Goal Planner Manifestation System >>

More than just a goal planner,
It’s a quantum shift in providing a holistic system for success!

Do you have a BIG DREAM, but you’re burned out, stressed-out and holding yourself back because you’re not sure HOW to bring it to life? It’s time to reclaim your focus, harness your energy and time and redirect some of that attention you give to helping others, to bring YOUR OWN goals to life. The Goal Planner Manifestation System is a complete step-by-step road map for your goal clarity, direction, organisation and momentum! 

Just $497 $37!

DREAM BIG. Plan SMART. Start Small.

Introducing a brand new simple strategic SOUL INSPIRED system for getting super clear on what you want, have purpose and direction, be organised and gain massive momentum!

But first let’s talk about typical goal planners….

While planners are a fantastic organisational tool, the problem is if you are not clear on your truest heart’s desires, and lack of goal clarity, then even a great planner will simply collect dust.

If you’re like many of my clients when they first work with me, their dreams are big, but often vague and clouded with a lack of clarity, direction or even how to get started, let alone build the momentum. 

This is why the Goal Planner Manifestation System is different. I realize that being productive and manifesting your desired results isn’t just about your goals, but it’s about making sure they are truly aligned to you, they meet your core values, and you have a pathway that feels holistic to your heart, mind and soul. Not just a thing to be achieved. 

That’s why I’ve designed the Goal Planner Manifestation System to help you clarify what you want, REALLY EMBODY it so every cell in your body is activated with excitement, plus a clear framework to map out your tailored 90-day goal plan to take immediate inspired action. 

I know your dreams are BIG, and your time is valuable, so I promise not to waste it with fluffery and woowoo
(though, I do like some 'practical magic!')  
There is a big problem in the Self-Development (Law of Attraction) market right now.

Actually three BIG problems.


BIG Dreamers taking action, but not super clear on specifically what they want or if they are, they are too scared to name and claim the goal let alone writing the plan, in fear of the goal not being realised and then feeling discouraged and disappointed. Yet they still believe that if they “think” about it that will be enough to “attract” it, and become disheartened when other people with way less effort seem to manifest their goals with ease, and they don't! 

And even if it does, you still need to get up off the couch and take action to answer the door of opportunity!


Many of those who DO understand the energy of manifesting, go at it ad-hock or on a whim, “in flow” with intuition afraid to commit to a plan because it is “too rigid”... They would rather have complete freedom to take inspired action, bound by no rules… But really they easily get “off track” and distracted creating, often missing important action steps because of “shiny object syndrome.” So they create hit and miss results, that often under-deliver… or worse, create negative outcomes, or maybe they get some results then sabotage them with procrastination and self-doubt!


Then, there are the massive “DOING EVERYTHING” action takers, who might create a to-do-list-style “plan” that grows longer and longer with every action step, spinning their wheels, burning out, busting a gut to get to “the top of the goal mountain” but then wonder 
“argh! Is that it?” Attempting to go for any goal, especially a significant one, without a clear plan that aligns with your Soul’s ecosystem, is a recipe for burnout and heartbreak - yours!

How many of you can relate to these scenarios?


I’m a heart-centred success oriented person but I’ve given so much of my time, energy and attention over the years to building my partner’s or family’s dreams, that I kinda let mine slip to the back of my mind (but they still nag me, with my soul whispering in my ear to take action on them).



I’m caught up on a career path feeling stuck paying the bills and taking care of so many responsibilities, that my soul feels like it’s being sucked away. I’m discontent and want to change, I know something is "missing," but how do I even get started to bring my REAL dreams to life?



I am procrastinating because either I don’t know what I want or I’m so overwhelmed with all the moving parts and wondering why the “law of attraction” doesn’t seem to be working for me, that I struggle to make progress. 

I’m going to put an end to all of this, right here and now - 
without wasting any more time or energy.


 There IS A WAY to get clarity with your heart’s deepest desired goals with REASONABLE assurance that you will manifest them! (because who wants to manifest goals only to realise they were not satisfying to your soul. You know, that “is that it?” feeling when you’ve ‘achieved’ but it still feels empty inside.

 There IS A WAY to get goal clarity, have clear direction, and tailor a winning plan in a day or two (because who has weeks or months to dedicate to the goal planning process? I know… you want to take inspired action, now!

 There IS A WAY to kick procrastination to the curb, with the structure to also allow joyful flow to GET IT DONE (because get unstuck and succeed already!)

I’m going to tell you how I’ve created a predictable process that can be used 
over and over again for every goal you desire!

Hey there!

I'm Katie Joy and a I'm a single mumpreneur juggling a baby (well Little One is 3 now) and business, which can be really challenging for time, energy and focus! (Know what I mean?)

When my life hit a critical pivot point in 2015, reeling from a miscarriage (death), ending a toxic shitstorm of a relationship ("divorce"),  then discovered months later that I was pregnant (yay!) but still heaving with emotional pain (and single with a broken dream of "happily-ever-after"), I was experiencing a tsunami wave of financial stress when properties I owned turned upside down in the market (debt and disaster!).

Forget dreams. I felt like I was in the spin of my worst nightmare! 

I knew I needed to get my life back in order, and fast. After all, I had a little one on the way, and I was it - the buck literally stopped with me in all ways.

I knew that the only way that I was going to be able to successfully turn my life from upside-down, inside-out to the right way up, was to lean in and tune in to my heart's whisper, leverage off all the achievements, skills, and experiences I'd had in the past and create a manifesting system that would work for me... even when I wasn't "working" it.

And that's exactly what I did. I took all my experience achieving amazing goals for over 20 years (I'm 44) as a personal trainer, property investor, paramedic, online blogger/marketer, self-made millionaire twice over, 4-years-full-time-world-traveller (self-funded), and avid researcher in all things mind, body and soul...and applied all of that to redesigning my life, activating my biggest dreams and this time with HEART & SOUL. 

The result? I set up a simple strategic SOUL INSPIRED system for getting super clear on what you want, have purpose and direction, be organised and gain massive momentum! I started teaching other COMMITTED CHANGE MAKERS how to do the same thing. 

And I want you to know that you CAN have your dreams realised too!

The Goal Planning Manifesting System is not difficult.

It’s not mystical. But it is Practical Magic!

In fact, I have three simple guiding principles whenever I create a new goal plan.

The Three Simple Goal Plan Principles

1.  A goal needs to be clear, aligned and activated within every cell of your body, not just your mind.

2. A goal plan needs heart-and-soul-inspired direction. 

3. A goal plan needs a simple step-by-step map to joyfully take consistent aligned daily action.

If you can unpack your goal plan using my THREE SIMPLE GOLDEN GOAL PLAN PRINCIPLES, you can launch into action and have reasonable assurance that you will transform your dreams into reality fast!

Which means you can honour your own heart’s calling to bring your dreams to life, 
with more time, energy and soul satisfaction. 

I can hear what you’re thinking:

Many people KNOW this stuff logically already but get lost on how to be heart activated and aligned to accomplish these three things joyfully, quickly and with ease.

Key words there?

A simple system to create your step-by-step roadmap that will dramatically 
shortcut your path to turn your dreams into goals (or create new ones) 
and realise your goals with SOUL-SATISFYING success!

NO Weekend Costly Events

NO 769 Page workbooks

NO Time-wasting bonuses

Actually what you need to transform your dreams into reality today!

The Goal Planner Manifestation System is a Step-by-Step Roadmap that takes you from procrastination and paralysing overwhelm to successfully manifesting with joy in 90 days or less


 Align your goals in a way that activates energy in you to take action so that you can stop beating yourself up for not being clear with what you want.

 Transform your life with joy because you are enjoying the journey of attracting and attaining your goal. #Giveupselfdefeat


 Design a winning goal plan that aligns with your outcome, vision, values and truly excites you! Perfect for people who know what they want but not sure HOW to get it. 

 Create a step-by-step daily action plan without having to think too hard about how to craft it.


 Launch into aligned action because you have a complete “owners manual”, with the support of your personalised roadmap. 

 Build confidence in yourself with the quick daily wins which means you can build momentum for rapid results! So that you can jump out of bed eager to start your day, every day!

 Master the skill of crafting a winning goal plan for any area of your life, without having to pay thousands of dollars to hire a coach to tell you how to do it, unless you want to #fasttrack!

Have fun while creating a joyful goal journey and successful results like Aimee:

"Grab your Goal Planner Manifestation System for awesome results, like me: 

I went from unfulfilled in key relationships, including with myself, to completely stoked on life. 

I quickly moved from a pretty good job making decent money to a fantastic job with a 6-figure salary. 

Katie taught me the value of setting real goals with real results - I had never done that before and while it does take work and persistence, I love how empowering it is.

Her goal planning system is available in a package for a 'no-brainer' price! 

Check it out to see if it resonates for you! 

See you on top of your goal mountain!"

Aimee Hanson, USA

I decided to call it a "manifesting system" because there are so many of you who feel like you are bombarded with single "quick fix" products that just don't deliver as they say they will - because they can't when they are stand alone!

You're sick of the masterclasses.... The challenges... The gazillion different goal journals that are collecting dust on your nightstand (or truthfully, tucked away in your drawer and already forgotten about!)

In spite of it all, you still don't have your goals lifting off... -OR- you have got them off then ground, but the wings fell off, and you hit the skids with a thud! 

You don't need 
more information.
You need the RIGHT information in the RIGHT sequence to get your goal results as FAST as possible!

What's Included in the Goal Planner Manifestation System


Goal Activation Meditation

With this 20-minute guided meditation, you'll get your desired goal ACTIVATED. I'll guide you how to 'cast your energetic net' to connect with all the people and resources who align with your goal to be co-ordinated by the Universe to assist you. Experience the synchronicities and wonderful "coincidences" that occur after you have activated, along with lots of inspired action!

How You Will Use It

+ Before you create your 90-Day Goal Plan
+ Anytime to super charge the activation
+ When you go to create any NEW goal

BONUS 1, 2 & 3 | Goal Activation TEMPLATES

Along with the meditation, I provide you with:

BONUS #1 - Joyful Goal Blueprint - Which is your GOAL MAP DASHBOARD
BONUS #2 - Stairway To Heaven - Your WHY Amplifier for quantum leaps!
BONUS #3 - Goal Affirmation Board - Your subconscious mind reprogramming while having fun!


Goal Plan + Members Area

In this 90-Day Goal Planner, you'll be guided through step-by-step to define what you want, know WHO YOU are, make sure your goal (and future ones) are aligned with YOU, know where you are now, and set a clear destination of where you want to go, along with instructions how to break down YOUR GOAL PLAN to get your goal results! 

PLUS lifetime access to the members area for clarity, direction, organisation and momentum!

How You Will Use It

+ Draft out your goal path for success
+ For optimised use of your energy and time
+ Keep you from being distracted by "Shiny object syndrome" so you can get stuff done!

BONUS 4 | Habit Tracker TEMPLATES

Along with the training, I have provided you with

BONUS #4 my Habit Tracker Templates, so that you can track your daily and weekly habits for consistency, which builds momentum. Momentum creates rapid results! So use these to track and measure your progress, for feedback to course correct, and to celebrate your positive actions with winning results!


Trello Board Template & 
Case Study + Training PLUS Goal Calendar

We now take your goal plan answers and schedule your 90-60-30-7 day steps. You can use the Trello board template and training (with a case study included) to organise your project or if you prefer a 'typical' calendar, then use the downloadable Goal Calendar. Either way you will now have your personalised road map to guide you each day with your soul-satisfying success! 

PLUS I'm going to help you turn up the volume of your happy-dance tunes with my SPECIAL BONUS Practical Magic Process!

How You Will Use It

+ Map out your step-by-step path for success
+ Use online (Trello or Google Sheets)
+ Prefer 'old school'? Download your calendar and fill it in!
+ Refer to daily, tweak and update as you go. 
+ Take ACTION - because now you know what you daily, weekly and monthly priorities are
+ Kick Procrastination to the curb!
+ Celebrate your success!

SPECIAL BONUS | Practical Magic Process

Along with the training, I have provided you with my

SPECIAL BONUS! my Practical Magic Process - Goal Alignment Method truly is my 'secret sauce' for my recipe for success, that I use daily for myself and with my clients. With this 33-minute step-by-step training, 10-page simple step-by-step guide and your one-page form to materialise your 'experience' of your goal ALREADY DONE! 

Get Excited For YOUR Results! Not sure? Check out what others had to say:

Melanie Couffe, France

“I've just downloaded and printed out the practical magic process booklet that Katie has designed to help us with our goals.

It's really clear to use and her examples really show me how to fill out my chart. Each step provides me with clarity and confidence in knowing which steps to take and in which order for me to reach my goal.

When I had finished fill out my magical process chart my goals were in my head and already accomplished!

I've mapped out three new goals for the next 6 months in the space of 30 minutes!”

Bernie Rutland, Australia

“A fabulous concept that can be used in all aspects of life not just in business, clear and simple and so very very effective...

This Practical Magic Process, the way Katie has arranged it helps you to recognise what has been holding you back from achieving your goal whatever it is.

The Goal Planner Manifestation System is also a great help in setting and reaching your goals... the beauty of it is you can take bite size pieces and digest them well before moving on to the next part. Thanks Katie for your energy, wisdom and truths you share with us all.”

Glenda Howes, Australia

“Thank you Katie Joy for your life saving Goal Planner Manifestation System!

I have a clear line of steps and initiatives to unravel my fogged brain - and a simple blue print for daily action - and consistency to move towards these very lucid goals! 

You have helped break down my significant overwhelm - and to reset my procrastination into excited action - regardless of what else life throws at me!

Sonya Springer, USA

“This is incredible! Tons of content. I love how you walk us through each part of the process for maximum results. I'm so excited to begin using this every day”

Carrie Eyre, USA

“I just purchased the planner and can't wait to get started!!! As I've taken your wonderful programs before I'm sure it will be fantastic! I hope you're selling a lot of these manifesting tools.

Margie Baldock, Australia

“This is incredible! Tons of content. I love how you walk us through each part of the process for maximum results. I'm so excited to begin using this every day”

Why Should You Trust Me?

I don’t just teach this stuff; I live, eat and breathe it! I use this EXACT system for myself and my clients to enhance their manifesting results - such as increase in clients and profitability, improve their relationships (with themselves and others), meet their health and fitness goals, travel, start online businesses, get out of debt, manifest their dream car, holiday, job, or partner (or leave one) and even heal from long term health issues. I am NOT just repeating what XYZ “top-secret” formula is being taught by the latest guru who’s talking but not walking their game (insert long groan here). 
I’m not JUST a life and business coach (and definitely not your typical “just certified” and teaching you in theory, but lack the experience one, like so many), but I am ALSO an intuitive healer, “Seer” and energy worker, visionary, strategist, marketer, author, investor and entrepreneur. (I’ve also had clients teasingly call me their “Shaman,” “Earth Angel” and long lost Soul Sister). I’ve been working in the coaching and mentoring space offline for the past 25 years - as a Personal Trainer/Fitness Instructor leading professional training workshops for other fitness professionals, mentoring as a Paramedic to train volunteers to work with us on the job, and online coaching since 2006 with how to heal your body through nutrition as a blogger and publisher offline and online, then from 2016 how to heal your heart and mind through emotional mastery in The Awakened Woman Program (Soon to be The Awakened Soul Program), how to captain your ship to steer it to your destiny through Soul Goal Academy, how to turn your ideas into income online through my “Confidence, Clients, Cask Kickstart!” program, and how to fall in love with yourself and dance with your soul through my live Bali Soul Awakening Retreats. I also coach in deepening energetic practices through “The Energised Soul Experience” and my beginners shamanic training “Wake Up Dreaming.” I GET IT. SOUL GOALS ARE MY THING! (Why, yes… I am that earth angel you’ve been looking for). 
I’ve helped people manifest LOoOTS of amazing goals. I’ve worked with clients in dozens of different countries, who pursue goals from personal healing to professional projects, from figuring out how to move OUT from a toxic relationship to finding new love again (or even, and most importantly, falling in love with their own self), from seeking career advance or home relocation to starting their own online business or quitting their job to scale their existing one so they can stay at home with their kids and have more family time and fun! There isn’t an area in life or business that I haven’t helped someone realise their goals… and if I discover one, I’m just as excited to witness the magic unfold!
I’m a GOOD human with a massive heart. Hey, I was a Paramedic for almost 8 years #themosttrustedprofession. I held and nurtured many lives in thousands of moments of great crisis. I cried, I cheered, and I often followed up on my patients beyond the call of my duty. They don’t say “wow! You’re a Paramedic!” for no reason. I’m retired now. But I still have a massive heart, and a calling to be of service to help people, especially in their critical time of need… I also nurtured myself and cheered on my own Soul when I left both my toxic marriage and career that I loved to go for my bigger dreams and goals. I invested in myself personally, professionally and financially to create my dream life. During a decade that met with challenges, as I had realised I had built a lot of my dreams on ego goals. They came crashing down. So I rebuilt my BEST DREAM LIFE, one aligned with my HEART & SOUL and that I get to live, breathe and enjoy every single day…. Manifesting lots of love, light & magic for myself and others. I’m living proof that it’s 110% possible to live your life fully and authentically on YOUR TERMS realising YOUR goals that light you up. And I want you to have that too. 

Why Should You Trust Me?

I don’t just teach this stuff; I live, eat and breathe it! I use this EXACT system for myself and my clients to enhance their manifesting results - such as increase in clients and profitability, improve their relationships (with themselves and others), meet their health and fitness goals, travel, start online businesses, get out of debt, manifest their dream car, holiday, job, or partner (or leave one) and even heal from long term health issues. I am NOT just repeating what XYZ “top-secret” formula is being taught by the latest guru who’s talking but not walking their game (insert long groan here). 
I’m not JUST a life and business coach (and definitely not your typical “just certified” and teaching you in theory, but lack the experience one, like so many), but I am ALSO an intuitive healer, “Seer” and energy worker, visionary, strategist, marketer, author, investor and entrepreneur. (I’ve also had clients teasingly call me their “Shaman,” “Earth Angel” and long lost Soul Sister). I’ve been working in the coaching and mentoring space offline for the past 25 years - as a Personal Trainer/Fitness Instructor leading professional training workshops for other fitness professionals, mentoring as a Paramedic to train volunteers to work with us on the job, and online coaching since 2006 with how to heal your body through nutrition as a blogger and publisher offline and online, then from 2016 how to heal your heart and mind through emotional mastery in The Awakened Woman Program (Soon to be The Awakened Soul Program), how to captain your ship to steer it to your destiny through Soul Goal Academy, how to turn your ideas into income online through my “Confidence, Clients, Cask Kickstart!” program, and how to fall in love with yourself and dance with your soul through my live Bali Soul Awakening Retreats. I also coach in deepening energetic practices through “The Energised Soul Experience” and my beginners shamanic training “Wake Up Dreaming.” I GET IT. SOUL GOALS ARE MY THING! (Why, yes… I am that earth angel you’ve been looking for). 
I’ve helped people manifest LOoOTS of amazing goals. I’ve worked with clients in dozens of different countries, who pursue goals from personal healing to professional projects, from figuring out how to move OUT from a toxic relationship to finding new love again (or even, and most importantly, falling in love with their own self), from seeking career advance or home relocation to starting their own online business or quitting their job to scale their existing one so they can stay at home with their kids and have more family time and fun! There isn’t an area in life or business that I haven’t helped someone realise their goals… and if I discover one, I’m just as excited to witness the magic unfold!
I’m a GOOD human with a massive heart. Hey, I was a Paramedic for almost 8 years #themosttrustedprofession. I held and nurtured many lives in thousands of moments of great crisis. I cried, I cheered, and I often followed up on my patients beyond the call of my duty. They don’t say “wow! You’re a Paramedic!” for no reason. I’m retired now. But I still have a massive heart, and a calling to be of service to help people, especially in their critical time of need… I also nurtured myself and cheered on my own Soul when I left both my toxic marriage and career that I loved to go for my bigger dreams and goals. I invested in myself personally, professionally and financially to create my dream life. During a decade that met with challenges, as I had realised I had built a lot of my dreams on ego goals. They came crashing down. So I rebuilt my BEST DREAM LIFE, one aligned with my HEART & SOUL and that I get to live, breathe and enjoy every single day…. Manifesting lots of love, light & magic for myself and others. I’m living proof that it’s 110% possible to live your life fully and authentically on YOUR TERMS realising YOUR goals that light you up. And I want you to have that too. 

Peek Inside 
The Goal Planner Manifestation System

 Goal Activation Meditation (Valued at $97)

 90-Day Goal Planner PDF & Digital (Valued at $197)

 Trello Board 90-Day Goal Planning Template (Valued at $97)

 Trello Board Case Study & Training (Valued $97)

 12-Month Goal Calendar (Valued at $17)

 Members Area Portal with access (Valued at $97)

 BONUS: Joyful Goal Blueprint Template (Valued $47)

 BONUS: Stairway To Heaven Template (Valued $47)

 BONUS: Goal Affirmation Board (Valued $27)

 BONUS: Habit Tracker Template Pack (Valued $47)

 SPECIAL BONUS: Practical Magic Process (Valued at $97)

Total Value = $867

Today's Price = Only $37

Get the Goal Planner Manifestion System NOW before the price goes up!

Get simple, clear helpful direction like Kim:

“I am blown away with the incredible content and the SIMPLE & CLEAR steps you have combined to ensure people get not only clarity on their goals (& things to move away from!!) but all the simple steps to make them happen

Such valuable info for such a low price too, you are truly here to serve so many people! K xxxx”

Kim Bibby, Australia

This is a Must Have If...

  • You are a coach, a consultant, a creator, a network marketer, a healer, a teacher, an author, a speaker, a student, a health professional, a freelancer, a personal assistant, a virtual assistant, a leader, an entrepreneur, a mumpreneur, a parent, or any other committed change-maker choosing to consciously create your authentic joy-filled life on your own terms.
  • You are a BIG-HEARTED soul wanting to make a BIG impact on the world, whether that’s with your own life, with your family, with your local community or the world at large!
  • You’re independent or aspire to be, a free-thinker, a change-maker, self-determined, committed, and looking for that “missing piece” to make your life that much better.
  • ​You want step-by-step, easy-to-follow and implement instructions on how to make your big dreams a reality.
  • ​You want to build consistent momentum so that you can feel confident with your goal manifesting.
  • ​You want to understand the “manifesting magic process” to establish consistent ability to realise your goals, and NEW ones!
  • ​You know you can generate so much more health, wealth and happiness if you just have the right knowledge, tools and system to manifest your HEART’S TRUEST DESIRES and your most meaningful goals.

Students included in this course

Consultants, Coaches, Massage Therapists, Holistic & Energy Practitioners, Raw Food Coaches, Numerologists, Event Planners, Personal Assistants, Communications Officers, Entrepreneurs, Nurses, Paramedics, Nutritionists, Yoga Teachers, Colour Therapists, Creatives, Network Marketers, Real Estate Agents, Distributors, CFO’s, National Managers, Healers, Teachers, Interior Decorators, Designers, Photographers, Online Marketers, Parents, Students, Authors, Freelancers, Investors, Retirees, Client Service Supervisors, Managers, Artists, Empowered Mamas!

"A dream written down with a date becomes a goal. A goal broken down into steps becomes a plan. A plan backed by action makes your dreams come true." ~Greg Reid~

Here’s the truth. I could 1000% charge $300 or $400 for this Goal Planner Manifestation System. It’s compact, complete and certainly produces exactly the result I promise!

And once it is done, you have the complete system to use again and again to make sure you’re not wasting your time, energy or money going for goals that are not authentically aligned with you!

But I also know that maybe you’ve been let down by bad “goal manifesting” courses.

Or you don’t know me and trust me yet.

Or you just don’t have tons of money to try group coaching or mentoring.

So I'm going to make the Goal Planner Manifestation System

Instead of its regular price of $197,
I’m going to practically give it away…

for $37.

You’ll get all three steps, plus the goal clarity and momentum bonuses 
for less than you'd pay for a nice meal out! 

At the end of it, you’ll have the momentum you need to 
take the inspired action towards your goals, or create new exciting ones! 

 Goal Activation Meditation (Valued at $97)

 90-Day Goal Planner PDF & Digital (Valued at $197)

 Trello Board 90-Day Goal Planning Template (Valued at $97)

 Trello Board Case Study & Training (Valued $97)

 12-Month Goal Calendar (Valued at $17)

 Members Area Portal with access (Valued at $97)

 BONUS: Joyful Goal Blueprint Template (Valued $47)

 BONUS: Stairway To Heaven Template (Valued $47)

 BONUS: Goal Affirmation Board (Valued $27)

 BONUS: Habit Tracker Template Pack (Valued $47)

 SPECIAL BONUS: Practical Magic Process (Valued at $97)

Total Value = $867

Today's Price = Only $37

Get the Goal Planner Manifestion System NOW before the price goes up!

I promise that you CAN do this.
But the best part is...you don’t even have to believe me!

If you’re not 100% satisfied with the planner, the templates, or the extras within 7 days, I will offer you a full refund, for any reason. 

That means you can enrol today, and you don’t even have to decide if you want it for good! Take the full 7 days to explore the materials and experience the vibe of the Goal Planner Manifestation System and then make a decision using the information you have, rather than the information you don’t. Check it out for yourself now. 

Frequently Asked Questions 
about the Goal Planner Manifestation System

I've seen classes for $1,000 or $2,000. Is this just a mini-course? Why $37

The Goal Planner Manifestation System is a full course. Simple, easy short modules, but it is a complete system. It is priced at $497. However, it is currently priced at $37 for one simple, purely selfish reason: The low cost is intended to collect data on paid ads in order to better tailor them and lower my ad spend. Once I’ve achieved those numbers, the price will increase. 

How much time is required to craft a winning goal plan?

That’s going to depend on what your specific goal is? Is it a health goal? A business goal? A project goal? A goal to master a skill or learn a new language? Each goal will require a different set of input into the framework of the goal plan. Like mastering any skill, the first few times takes a little extra effort, but you get better and better at it the more do it. You will be guided through the step-by-step process and all you need to do is break your goal outcomes down, and fill in your action steps within a day, instead of weeks or months! 

How fast can I expect results?

Take action with the first step of your plan… and you have immediate wins on the board! Keep stepping it out, and you will achieve your outcome? How fast you achieve your final outcome depends on your goal, but you can expect immediate results as soon as you even get your goal clear and start writing it down using this system because every cell in your body will be activated and ready to take aligned action!

I’ve already created a goal plan. It didn’t work as I expected. Will this work for me?

I positively dance on the spot with excitement shouting “YES! YES!” 
This difference about the Goal Planner Manifestation System is that it is a full heart, mind, body, soul activation… not just an “overthinking, stuck in my head” process. So many other goal planning systems require you to figure out all the processes from your head. Using the Goal Planner Manifestation System you will ACTIVATE ‘knowing’ next steps from your heart. 

What if I already have a coach, will this still work?

Yup. You bet. Try it for yourself. And share your results with me :) 

I already bought your “Practical Magic Process” Goal Alignment Method. How is this different?

The Practical Magic Process Goal Alignment Method is more about goal clarity is like a spinal adjustment from a chiropractor, easing pain or discomfort and aligning to allow more life force energy to flow.

How much time/money/energy 
will I save?

In time, you will bank plenty. No more procrastination scratching your head wondering what you need to do. The real question is what will you be doing with your time when you’re winning and in momentum?

How much money will you save? Think about all the things you’ve bought or done to distract yourself and satisfy you in the moment. When we’re lost or confused or overwhelmed, most people go shopping or eat or drink or [fill in with your credit card sin!] But when you’re focused and feeling happy because you’re aligning your heart, mind and soul with desires you are realising step by step into your reality, overconsumption tends to resolve itself! Track your expenses, and let me know ;)

This is a HUGE Energy saver. You literally will have all the framework questions to guide you to get clear on your goal outcomes, milestones, action steps and celebrations. This is a major shortcut to goal planning saving your brain from burn out! 

[Note, there is still some thinking and consideration involved, you just don’t have to figure it all out on your own. With the guiding questions, you will get this done quicker and easier, saving a lot of brain power!]

Is everything available immediately?

Yes :) As soon as you purchase you will have immediate access to everything in the Goal Planner Manifestation System. 

What if it’s not what I expect?

*Giggle* In a way, it won’t be. Because there is nothing as complete a system as this out there. So you will need to experience it first. (Make sure you use everything, including the Goal Activation Meditation). But if it’s still not meeting your expectations, you have up to 7 days to ask for a full refund, which I will happily give for any reason. But do me a favour, when you get inside and you use this, realising your results, will you please share your success with me? I LOVE hearing about and reading all the success stories from all of my students and clients :) 

Is there a guarantee?

I promise that you CAN do this.

But the best part is...you don’t even have to believe me!

If you’re not 100% satisfied with the planner, the templates, or the extras within 7 days, I will offer you a full refund, for any reason. 

That means you can purchase today, and you don’t even have to decide if you want it for good! Take the full 7 days to explore the materials and experience the vibe of the Goal Planner Manifestation System and then make a decision using the information you have, rather than the information you don’t. Check it out for yourself now. 

Do you have people who have used this with success?

Yes! Hundreds. Over the past (almost) 4 years I have run coaching programs (Massive Momentum Mentoring, Soul Goal Academy and now Love, Light & Leadership Academy Mastermind) where I have been teaching my system with incredible results. It’s been so practiced and refined now written and recorded into an easy to follow system. I can’t wait to hear about your success. Please forward your results to katiejoy@theglobalbutterfly.com 

Can this be downloaded?

The 90-Day Goal Planner, Meditation, PDFs and Goal Calendar can. But the trello board and trello board video training cannot. It’ll be inside your members area. 

Do I need to use a special program to access the materials?

You will get access to a members area, so just your computer, tablet or smartphone. 
There is also a Trello Board and Google Sheet available. 
Both platforms are free to use. There is a guide inside how to access and use.

Can this be accessed without the internet?

The content is secured inside a members area. 
Some content is available to download which you can access while online and use offline. 

Can I just find this information if I search online?

Given this is the information age, you could find parts of it. But would you know specifically what to search for? There are parts of this system that are my IP, which after two decades learning and teaching in the personal development industry, I’ve never seen anyone use. So, no you will not be able to find this system or this offer anywhere else online (or offline). 

Is there special software or apps required?

No. Just wifi and online access. The Trello board is hosted on an open source platform, as are the Google sheets templates. Both are free and there is information inside to guide you how to access your copy of the templates. 

Is there a physical version of this product?

No, this is a digital program. The Goal Planner and other worksheets are PDF printables. 

You should NOT sign up if:

1. You’re not committed to taking new action to bring your dreams to life, and you prefer to hide away in your comfort zone.
2. You are in full swing of making your dreams come true for you, and you don't believe you need help.
3. You’re a dream thief


If you can check off any of the following, Then you absolutely owe it to yourself to give the 
Goal Planner Manifestation System a go:

You want help to gain goal clarity 

You are an action taker

You are struggling with overwhelm or procrastination

You want to increase your ability to manifest more of what you want

You need help generating more predictable results for your dream goals

You want to make sure your goals are on target, in alignment with your heart and soul.

You are looking for a step by step guide that will tell you exactly what you need to do. 

If you’ve checked off any of the above, then I feel SUPER confident that the
 Goal Planner Manifestation System IS FOR YOU!

 Goal Activation Meditation (Valued at $97)

 90-Day Goal Planner PDF & Digital (Valued at $197)

 Trello Board 90-Day Goal Planning Template (Valued at $97)

 Trello Board Case Study & Training (Valued $97)

 12-Month Goal Calendar (Valued at $17)

 Members Area Portal with access (Valued at $97)

 BONUS: Joyful Goal Blueprint Template (Valued $47)

 BONUS: Stairway To Heaven Template (Valued $47)

 BONUS: Goal Affirmation Board (Valued $27)

 BONUS: Habit Tracker Template Pack (Valued $47)

 SPECIAL BONUS: Practical Magic Process (Valued at $97)

Total Value = $867

Today's Price = Only $37

Get the Goal Planner Manifestion System NOW before the price goes up!

© 2020 www.TheGlobalButterfly.com 
For Support Issues or Questions, Please Email Me at katiejoy@theglobalbutterfly.com
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